Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Fresh paper

Made some paper yesterday-- tried some new things, with varying levels of success. These are my three favorites. The first, speckly lavender one has dyed mulberry paper scrap turned into pulp and incorporated (nice, long threads); for the second I laid some cording into the pulp before couching, then removed the cording once it was all dry. The last has big chunks of mulberry paper mixed in.

Not quite sure what I'm going to do with these just yet. I think the one with the cord is my favorite, I may explore that technique a little more today. There was a fourth experiment that involved sprinkling Pearl-Ex and Powdered pigment onto the pulp, but it isn't very photogenic, alas.
While I'm sharing my papers, here are some recent dye jobs. These are mulberry paper-- can you tell I'm thinking spring already?

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